How to Find out need of Pond Pro

Few scenarios can cause losing water in your pond possible is evaporation having a leak in the bed of the pond or something is wrong with water pump.

Means need to worry about using Pond Pro. How discover the need of it? Step by step analyze and determine what is problem and how to solve it.

Pond LinerPond Rest

Water pump is to keep the water moving. Without this violation of health codes, because of stagnant No need of Pond Pro if problem is with the water pump, turn everything off and let the water stands. It will mark the water level.

Watch the water. If the water level going down, probably will not need Pond Pro because there is an issue with the water pump, or one of the water hoses.

If, the water level does go down, there is a very good likelihood to have a water leak. Now, it is time to see exactly where the water leaks. See where the water will stop, so leak can be found out now need to apply Pond Pro.

Fixing the Leak

After knowing where the leak is, time to drain the pond and start the process of sealing it. Surely dry and scrub out pond well. 7 days without rain forecasted, is time to use Pond Pro to seal your pond.

Use a roller to apply the EPDM polymer solution. With entire cover bottom and sides of the pond look where the leak is a dent or a patch missing must be fixed before applying the polymer. Leave the sealant cure completely and then start refilling the pond with water. For More Info

The Beneficial EPDM Pond Liner

Are you searching for the liner flexible to concrete and other preformed materials, it is important to do your research for the right type. Quality must be best and price must be less it’s the favorite formula to buy but problem arises when both become opponents high quality= high rates it means low rates are equally having low quality.

EPDM Pond Liner

EPDM Pond Liner

Wide range of options can be intimidating. But one option that allows both flexibility and high     quality with affordable price is an EPDM pond liner.

The High Quality you required flexibility you want and price you afford if it is a riddle then answer is only EPDM pond liner.

Let’s see the difference. EPDM pond liners can be manipulated into nearly any size and shape one sheet of EPDM rubber material is big enough to meet your needs you need not to be a professional pond installer with a wealth of equipment to utilize an EPDM product. It works by its self .If you choose a liner made from low-grade plastic will not stand up to the test of time and puncture easily .EPDM rubber liner is much sturdier

EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer originally developed to make flat roofs water-resistant it is a good investment., you are not likely to replace an EPDM liner often again EPDM pond liners will still last longer in direct sunlight, offers warranties of up to twenty years, able to withstand the elements of colder climates as well, labeled as fish-safe will be safe to use in home pond and much more resistant to punctures than lower quality liners.

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Easy Repair with pond liner without any specialist

Year after year if you want to enjoy the ambiance of a water feature like ponds they definitely require attention and maintenance to keep them enjoyable. You have to be very much caring full and aware about Its puncture and leaks.

Otherwise you will have to forget to have ponds and beauty of your back yard so must to know about the quick repair. In the case of backyard pond liner, leak, easy way to get rid of it to follow these steps without being frustrated start your work. If the sidewall of the pond has a leak, just below the opening the water level will be stopped.

Pond Liner

Pond Liner

Six inches of water must be removed around the leak to provide enough space without allowing water to seep in and cause more damage. Fully drain the leak if a leak is in the bottom of the pond.

Keep safely fish or aquatic animals after removing them from the pond. Clean the pond liner around the leak just fine if with typical dish soap or household vinegar and water from the tap not necessary to purchase any special cleaners. Salt or sand is also use full, later in the process order a pond liner repair kit online or at your local hardware store. But determine the kit you need.

There is big range of pond liners in EPDM products vinyl repairs typically involve patching. Vinyl material must be applied on the affected area. Allow it to dry before patching. Make sure the piece you plan to use as a patch is also clean to ensure the adhesive the patch to stick properly.

A wire brush will be used to add texture and allow the patch to adhere properly and a roller to smooth the patched area remove wrinkles or bubbles. Now refill the water and check back that all leaks have been addressed.


Leaking pond is a frustrating experience leaks are mostly likely to occur in water fall filter and skimmers. You will also lose some water from your ponds as it is in constant state. It can be simple and painfully difficult to find out the leak. When the leak has been located the time comes to review the option for repair. Avoid problem by using techniques but get rid of all these, by using best product.

In certain soil types large cracks appear after pond drained or dried. Disking help to fulfill the cracks. Ponds in rocky area need to have one foot of well packed clay it is the least expensive method of repairing leak but not long lasting.

For some leaks baryte can be the solution. Sodium bentonite of driller mud is also being use to seal the leaks it must not be used in windy days fiber glass concrete and cement are not cost effective but can be use to fill holes. But the original remedy for pond leaks is pondpro2000 if we want to save money time and energy because it is not costly and very much effective in all type of weather conditions.

Fish Ponds In School, Good govt. initiative

Fish ponds are not as common in Kenya as they are in US but their government has announced a program for fish farming in secondary school. They announced with at least 20 ponds with bills in one building of school. The purpose is to keep students aware and make them known the importance of fish and sea life and make them trained about the fish farming. It is very positive and progressive activity.

The government wants them to learn something about the fish more than that what they are learning in biology. The government want them learn how to maintain fish ponds, 

How to stock and feed fish even how to catch. After four year spending in school, student would have knowledge to make a business instead of waiting for white collar job. Yes, It is great idea and really helps for those who waste their lives in waiting. But the government has to put more effort to boost this.  That type of steps must be taken by US government;  it’s innovative, creative and positive.

My Pond’s Fish Very Happy and Me too

Oh! I got rid of my artificial Ponds Huge Problem. My fish are thanking pond liner by PondPro2000 and all leaks and cracks it was easy to apply quickly to work, not very much costly and frustrating. You know it’s having a great value if you have ponds in your home and it enhances the beauty and value both. And I love it!

Many factors affect the stability of my pond, its foundation and side surfaces by temperature and extreme weather related damages.

Pond repairing is necessary time to time but it’s quite difficult to find correct tool kit and repair. Now it’s not, with a snap of figure you get rid of leaking, breaking and cracking without hiring any professional, do it yourself with the only product that’s easy to use, low in cost and durable without having fear because it is a guaranteed. It will make you feel free for a long time.