Repair Process with the EPDM Pond Liner

Popular, flexible for home use available pond liner is EPDM pond liner, as they provide a great quality and rarely puncture or tear. Do the following if you have a leak in pond.

EPDM Pond Liners

EPDM Pond Liners

How to fix the Leak

Discovering a leak in your pond liner is often quite frustrating because ponds are not always the cleanest places, generally dark in color to replicate the natural look of ponds.

Pour milk or food dye into the pond quick running leak will cause the milk or food coloring to flow with the leaking pond water, taking you to the problem area. , your leak is probably slow if you have an EPDM pond liner.

Slower leaks are tougher to find sometimes not be able to see at all without draining the pond. Remove all contents including plants, fish and other aquatic animals. Place them in an alternate area, keeping them out of harm’s way

Scrub the area and prepare to fix it. To provide an appropriate surface to adhere patching agents all dirt, algae and other foreign objects should be removed.

You need a special repair tape for this type of liner, available online or at your hardware store. Often, this will be including a double-sided adhesive for easy application.

Many experts suggest rounding the edges of the tape. This will make it less likely for the flow of water to pull on the corners and cause it to loosen. Repairing EPDM pond liners is similar to patching a tire.

To use a patch of tape take a bit larger than the impaired region. Apply the tape patch with an overflow of about two inches on each side of the leak. Smooth the area with a roller or hands palm. Ensure a flat surface without gaps or air bubbles. Leave the EPDM pond liner alone for a few hours. click here for details

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