How to Find out need of Pond Pro

Few scenarios can cause losing water in your pond possible is evaporation having a leak in the bed of the pond or something is wrong with water pump.

Means need to worry about using Pond Pro. How discover the need of it? Step by step analyze and determine what is problem and how to solve it.

Pond LinerPond Rest

Water pump is to keep the water moving. Without this violation of health codes, because of stagnant No need of Pond Pro if problem is with the water pump, turn everything off and let the water stands. It will mark the water level.

Watch the water. If the water level going down, probably will not need Pond Pro because there is an issue with the water pump, or one of the water hoses.

If, the water level does go down, there is a very good likelihood to have a water leak. Now, it is time to see exactly where the water leaks. See where the water will stop, so leak can be found out now need to apply Pond Pro.

Fixing the Leak

After knowing where the leak is, time to drain the pond and start the process of sealing it. Surely dry and scrub out pond well. 7 days without rain forecasted, is time to use Pond Pro to seal your pond.

Use a roller to apply the EPDM polymer solution. With entire cover bottom and sides of the pond look where the leak is a dent or a patch missing must be fixed before applying the polymer. Leave the sealant cure completely and then start refilling the pond with water. For More Info

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